Differences in data available between QXL Online and QuickBooks Online's export feature
You can export data using the QuickBooks Online export feature for each of the tables/reports.
There are two ways to export data from QuickBooks Online.
1) Export data using QuickBooks Online API
2) Export data using QuickBooks Online UI (browser-based application)
QODBC Online/QXL Online can data from QuickBooks using the QuickBooks Online API, which added a feature of QuickBooks Online.
QODBC Online/QXL Online can only use the fields and commands that the QuickBooks Online API (IPP) allows.
List of tables available through QXL Online and QuickBooks Online's Export
Tables available through QXL Online | Tables available through QuickBooks Online's Export |
Account |
Customer |
Attachable |
Employee |
AttachableReference |
Vendor |
Bill |
Sales |
BillExpenseLine |
ProductServiceList |
BillItemLine |
BillLinkedTxn |
bill payment |
BillPaymentAppliedToTxn |
BillPaymentLine |
Budget |
BudgetDetailLine |
Check |
CheckExpenseLine |
Class |
Company |
CompanyCurrency |
CompanyCurrencyAttachable |
CreditCardCharge |
CreditCardChargeExpenseLine |
CreditCardCredit |
CreditCardCreditExpenseLine |
CreditMemo |
CreditMemoLine |
CreditMemoLinkedTxn |
Customer |
CustomField |
DateDrivenTerms |
Department |
Deposit |
DepositAppliedToTxn |
DepositAttachable |
DepositLine |
Employee |
Entitlements |
Entity |
Estimate |
EstimateLine |
EstimateLinkedTxn |
Host |
HostSupportedVersions |
Invoice |
InvoiceLine |
InvoiceLinkedTxn |
ItemGroup |
ItemGroupLine |
ItemService |
JournalEntry |
JournalEntryCreditLine |
JournalEntryDebitLine |
JournalEntryLine |
ListDeleted |
Payment |
PaymentAppliedToTxn |
PaymentLine |
PaymentMethod |
Preferences |
PreferencesPOCustomField |
Purchase |
PurchaseExpenseLine |
PurchaseItemLine |
PurchaseLine |
PurchaseOrder |
PurchaseOrderExpenseLine |
PurchaseOrderItemLine |
PurchaseOrderLine |
PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn |
PurchaseOrderTxnLineDetail |
PurchaseTxnLineDetail |
ReceivePayment |
ReceivePaymentLine |
RefundReceipt |
RefundReceiptLine |
SalesReceipt |
SalesReceiptLine |
StandardTerms |
TaxAgency |
TaxCode |
TaxCodePurchaseTaxRateDetail |
TaxCodeSalesTaxRateDetail |
TaxRate |
TaxRateEffectiveTaxRate |
TaxService |
TimeTracking |
Transfer |
TxnDeleted |
Vendor |
VendorCredit |
VendorCreditExpenseLine |
VendorCreditItemLine |
VendorCreditLine |
VendorCreditLinkedTxn |
VendorContacts |
List of Reports available through QXL Online and QuickBooks Online's Export
Reports available through QXL Online | Reports available through QuickBooks Online's Export |
AccountList |
AccountList |
BalanceSheetDetail |
BalanceSheetDetail |
GeneralLedger |
GeneralLedger |
CustomerBalanceDetail |
CustomerBalanceDetail |
CustomerBalanceSummary |
CustomerBalanceSummary |
ExpenseByVendorSummary |
ExpenseByVendorSummary |
CashFlow |
CashFlow |
IncomeByCustomerSummary |
IncomeByCustomerSummary |
InventoryValuationSummary |
InventoryValuationSummary |
JournalReportFR |
JournalReportFR |
ProfitAndLossDetail |
ProfitAndLossDetail |
ProfitAndLossStandard |
ProfitAndLossStandard |
SalesByClassSummary |
SalesByClassSummary |
SalesByCustomerSummary |
SalesByCustomerSummary |
VendorBalanceDetail |
VendorBalanceDetail |
VendorBalanceSummary |
VendorBalanceSummary |
TrialBalance |
TrialBalance |
APAgingDetail |
APAgingDetail |
SalesByDepartmentSummary |
SalesByDepartmentSummary |
SalesByItemSummary |
SalesByItemSummary |
TaxSummary |
TaxSummary |
APAgingSummary |
APAgingSummary |
ARAgingDetail |
ARAgingDetail |
ARAgingSummary |
ARAgingSummary |