[QODBC All] What does 'Red text' in the QODBC driver dialogs means
Posted by Ricky - QODBC Support on 23 January 2020 12:49 PM
[QODBC All] What does 'Red text' in the QODBC driver dialogs meansProblem Description:What does 'Red text' in the QODBC driver dialogs means Solutions:Whenever you run any query for the first time, QODBC will first build the optimizer. Please refer to the below link on how the optimizer works. Refer to: How Optimizer Works
The Display Driver Status will show the current status in 'Red color,' which means data is fetched from the QuickBooks SDK instead of the QODBC optimizer. Either you are fetching the data for the first time, or you might not be using QODBC Optimizer. If the QODBC Display Driver Status is showing in 'Red color,' the data fetching process will be longer. The reason is QODBC has to fetch all the data from QuickBooks SDK. The time required to fetch data will depend upon the number of records in your QuickBooks company file. The data will be stored in an Optimizer file to increase the retrieval performance of queries. From the second time onwards, you will notice the current status inside the QODBC Display Driver Status in 'Black color,' which means data is fetched from the QODBC Optimizer.
Tags: Optimizer, Red text, QODBC optimizer | |