[QODBC-Desktop] How to install QODBC read only edition for QuickBooks Enterprise Edition
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 02 May 2017 01:57 PM

How to install QODBC read-only edition for QuickBooks Enterprise Edition

Problem Description:

I am using QuickBooks Enterprise & I want to use QODBC read-only edition for QuickBooks Enterprise.

How can I install QODBC read-only edition for QuickBooks Enterprise Edition?


You can download QODBC by clicking here

After downloading QODBC, Install QODBC on your machine.

Refer: QODBC Installation Steps

After installation of QODBC, You can verify QODBC installation from QuickBooks Enterprise:

File >> Utilities >> Configure ODBC

If QODBC is appropriately installed, then QODBC Setup Screen will open. Navigate to the "About" tab & you will see QODBC with a 30-day evaluation.

QODBC is installed on a new machine. It starts with a 30-day evaluation (All features are active). QODBC evaluation version will turn to the Read Only edition for QuickBooks enterprise edition – automatically after 30 days.

After 30 days, you will see "QODBC Read Only 2017 All Regions" in the "About" tab.


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