[QODBC-ALL] Troubleshooting - How to change connection string stored in Excel
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 07 April 2017 12:33 PM

Troubleshooting - How to change the connection string stored in Excel

Problem Description: 

I have changed the setting in QODBC Setup Screen from Open mode to the same as the company file, but my Excel still does not takes the changes and needs the company file to be in multi-user mode.

When I refresh the Excel sheet, I get below error:


MS Excel is storing connection string & due to this, you are facing this error.

You need to update the connection string in Excel to solve this issue.

Please open the MS Excel file and go to the "Data" tab >> Click on "Connection."

Now select connection & Click on "Properties."

Navigate to the Definition tab & You will find the Connection String box. You will notice that the connection string contains OpenMode=M, which will try to open the company file Multiuser mode.

You need to change OpenMode=M; to OpenMode=F; in the connection string box & click "OK."

By changing it to OpenMode=F, the Excel connection will follow company file mode, whatever is selected in QuickBooks.

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