[QODBC-Desktop] How to use QODBC with Talend ETL
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 19 December 2016 01:05 PM
How to use QODBC with Talend ETLNote: The JDBC-ODBC bridge driver was removed in Java 8, preventing ODBC drivers from being usable in newer versions of Java or other Java-based applications. Refer: Oracle JDBC-ODBC Bridge How to Use QODBC with NetBeansThis article shows how you can easily integrate the QODBC driver for QuickBooks into your workflow in Talend. 2. Enter Project Name & click "Finish." 3. To open the project, click "Open." 4. Add a new database connection to QuickBooks data: To add a new connection, expand the Metadata node, right-click the Db Connections node, and click Create connection. 5. In the resulting wizard, enter a name for the connection & click "Next." 6. On the next page, select Generic ODBC from the DB Type menu, enter the DataSource name "QuickBooks Data," & click "Check" to test the database connection. Please Note: If you have a 64-bit application, you need to use QRemote 64-bit DSN "QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote," as shown in the screenshot below. You will notice the "Database connection successful" pop-up message on a successful database connection. Click "OK" to close the pop-up message & "Finish" to finish the configuration. The database connection is added in the Talend ETL. Now that your repository database connection has been established right-click your Database Connection and select Retrieve Schema from the pop-up menu. This will display the Schema dialog. Step 1 of this dialog allows you to set your Filter Conditions and selection types. This step will only specify the filtering rules for the objects to import. Once these options have been completed, hit Next to select the things you want to import. Stage 2 allows you to choose objects. Select the objects you want to import using the checkboxes to the left of each node. Name Filter enables you to hide things from view. When completed, hit Next. Note that you may need to allow Talend time to retrieve information from the database before this button becomes available. Stage 3 allows you to make some final amendments before you import. This is more useful when you are reviewing previously imported objects. For this tutorial, we'll leave these options with their default values—hit Finish to import the schema. If the schema is not loading automatically, you can add schema manually by clicking the "+" option & add the required columns. You can refer QODBC Data Layouts site for details about different report parameters. Navigate to the above link & Click on the region of the QuickBooks edition you are using. The table is added to the Talend ETL. You can now create a simple Job that will read data from your database. The customer table from the ODBC catalog will be used in the example shown here. Note. In this example, you're going to write the output of this table to the Talend Console, so you may want to choose a table with a small number of rows. Add a tLogRow component to your Job and connect the two components using Row->Main. You should now be able to run your Job and see data displayed in the Talend Console. Your completed Job and results should look similar to the screenshot below. | |