[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Where is Retained Earnings data found?
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 10 November 2016 07:21 AM

Troubleshooting - Where is Retained Earnings data found?

Problem Description:

I cannot find a table with the retained earnings listed in it.

Furthermore, I find no transactions for this account, yet QB reports two closing entries.

In the account table, I have a zero value. On the balance sheet, it is quite NON-ZERO. Drilling in shows a single-line balance.

And for the previous two years, there is a posted amount with a closing date.

It takes a WHILE when you double-click the account, so it looks like it is calculating these two values.

Is it STORED or calculated? Because it is not in the account table.


I assume you mean "Retaining Earnings" on your balance sheet. The value is in the Account table.

Retained Earnings are calculated from the Profit & Loss statement and are the current profit or loss. The current value appears in the Account table:



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