[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Getting ODBC-Call failed error in MS Access when Opening ReceivePaymentToDeposit table
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 26 October 2016 11:22 AM

Troubleshooting - Getting ODBC-Call failed error in MS Access when Opening the ReceivePaymentToDeposit table

Problem Description:

I am trying to link the ReceivePaymentToDeposit table through the linked table in MS Access. I can connect the ReceivePaymentToDeposit table. But I am getting an ODBC-Call failed error in MS Access when opening the ReceivePaymentToDeposit linked table.



When you open the linked table from MS Access at that time, MS Access is passing queries like "SELECT "TxnID,"..., "UnusedCredits" FROM "ReceivePayment" were "TxnID" = ?" to QODBC.

QODBC passes one-by-one XML requests to QB SDK using the TxnID of the table, and QODBC gets all records one by one from QuickBooks SDK.

The "ReceivePaymentToDeposit" table does not support the TxnID filter in QuickBooks SDK & this issue happened.

Using the Pass-Through query in MS Access would be best as a workaround.

You can find pass through from: MS Access >> Create tab >> Query Design >>

Select Pass-Through >> Write query >> Execute query using Run button

Select DSN click "OK," & execute the query

You will get the result.

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