Troubleshooting - How can we select Invoices for payment from the BillToPay table using QODBC
Problem Description:
In the BillToPay Table - How can we select invoices for payment using QODBC?
We would like to have the Checkmark Selected for the respective invoice.
You will have to insert BillPaymentCheckLine marking the Bill as Paid.
First, You need to query the BillToPay table for Bill you want to pay.
For Example:
SELECT * FROM BillToPay where BillToPayRefNumber='7893'

Bill in QuickBooks UI.

It would be best if you used the below query to mark the Bill as Paid.
INSERT INTO BillPaymentCheckLine (PayeeEntityRefListID, APAccountRefListID, BankAccountRefListID, RefNumber, AppliedToTxnTxnID, AppliedToTxnPaymentAmount) VALUES('90000-933272656', 'C0000-933270541', '20000-933270541', '7893', 'DF4-933785047', 1250)

Related Data Description
PayeeEntityRefListID = '90000-933272656' (Required) VendorRefListID from Bill table.
APAccountRefListID = 'C0000-933270541' (Required) APAccountRefListID from Bill table.
BankAccountRefListID = '20000-933270541' (Required)
RefNumber = '7893' (RefNumber of Bill)
AppliedToTxnTxnID = 'DF4-933785047' (TxnID from Bill Table)
AppliedToTxnPaymentAmount = 1250 (AmountDue from Bill Table)
Bill paid in QuickBooks.
