Troubleshooting - Billable Payroll - Need to Display More Fields on Invoice
Problem Description:
We need to bill all payroll costs to various customers. Payroll costs are defined as all of the following:
1. Employee's gross salary 2. Company share of social security 3. Company share of Medicare 4. Federal unemployment taxes paid 5. Texas unemployment taxes paid When a payroll run is processed, all the above costs are coded to the appropriate customer, and QuickBooks flags them as "billable" at this point.
To bill the payroll costs, we go to the Customers menu and select "Invoice for Time and Expenses." All employee costs outlined above are then brought up in a list. We check the items we want to bill (all of them) and then select "create an invoice."
The above five items are listed separately when the invoice is created, but valuable descriptions are not displayed. We need the invoice to record the employee name and the nature of the expense associated with each cost being billed out. E.g.
John Doe Gross Salary $500 John Doe Company Social Security $25 Etcetera We have tried using various invoice forms, and these fields are never available to select for inclusion.
We can see the fields needed in the payroll module by viewing the detail of the employee check. However, We have not been successful in finding these fields in the QuickBooks tables so that we can pull them into the invoice using your software. If I can see the data in the tables, I am confident I can extract them using QODBC and SQL to format them into a suitable report.
Thanks in advance for any help.

You can get these details PayrollTransactionDetail report:
For this example, PayCheck:

You can find all the details using the following:
sp_report PayrollTransactionDetail show PayrollItem, WageBase, Credit, Debit, Amount parameters DateFrom = {d'2007-12-01'}, DateTo={d'2007-12-01'}, IncludeAccounts = 'All,' ReportDetailLevelFilter = 'AllExceptSummary,' EntityFilterFullNameWithChildren='Dan T. Miller' Where PayrollItem is not NULL
Change the bold entries to the employee and paycheck date you're after
