[QODBC-Desktop] QODBC Cannot Respond to QuickBooks Data Event
Posted by Wilson (QODBC Support) on 07 May 2012 02:07 AM

QODBC and QB Data Events

QODBC Cannot Respond to QuickBooks Data Event

Problem Description

I want QODBC to respond to the QuickBooks Data Event automatically. For example, if I add a new customer in QuickBooks, as soon as I Save the new customer in QB, could QODBC be "triggered" to respond to that QB data event and update SQL Server?


QODBC is an ODBC driver for Quick Books. It provides an interface to applications that can use ODBC. This helps users to use their applications and access Quick Books company files directly.

QODBC accepts SQL commands from applications through the ODBC interface, then converts those calls to navigational XML commands to the QuickBooks Accounting DBMS and returns record sets that qualify for the query results. This driver is not a Client/Server product and does not bind to events happening on QuickBooks but communicates directly with the QuickBooks Company file using the QuickBooks application.

In SQL Server, QODBC works as a linked server. This means the connection is in real-time. When you query the record, it pulls the records from QuickBooks. It cannot directly push the new data ( on the event happening on QuickBooks) to SQL Server.

But if you have exported the data into another database, you may need to transfer the updated data manually or use scheduled tasks. QODBC itself doesn't have event response functions.

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