[QODBC-Desktop] How to Find Purchase Order Closed Check Mark Data using QODBC
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 08 September 2011 08:04 AM
How to Find Purchase Order Closed Check Mark Data using QODBCIntroductionThere is a closed check mark for a PurchaseOrder record or a given line item in a Purchase Order. Normally it's related to the fields "IsManuallyClosed" and "PurchaseOrderLineIsManuallyClosed" in the PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLine table. IsManuallyClosed and PurchaseOrderLineIsManuallyClosedPurchase Order Closed The Field "IsManuallyClosed" in both tables PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLine contains the whole purchase order closed status. If true, the purchase order is closed, and all the line items are closed. Purchase Order Line Closed The Field "PurchaseOrderLineIsManuallyClosed" in table PurchaseOrderLine contains the closed status of every line item. Only if all the line items under a specified purchase order are closed is the purchase order automatically closed. | |
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