[QODBC-Desktop] QODBC and Microsoft Word
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 04 January 2010 07:08 AM
QODBC and Microsoft Word Microsoft Word 2003 and QODBCCreating a word mail merge to live QuickBooks dataNote: QODBC allows you to easily merge QuickBooks data onto your Word documents as tables or mail-merged fields. Open the document you wish to mail merge QuickBooks data into. From the Tools menu, select Letters and Mailings -> Mail Merge. Then the Mail Merge task pane will display on the right side in Microsoft Word 2003. Select options Letters as the document type, then click Next: Starting document at the bottom. Select the starting document and then next. Select the option Use an existing list as the recipients and then click Browse. In the popped select data source window, select the pull-down menu Tools -> MS Query. MS Query will launch, and the following screen will be seen: Choose the Data Source Name (DSN) set up with your QuickBooks data. It can be the default (QuickBooks Data), which was set up by the installer, or any DSN you have created. (Here, I choose the default.) Check the option of Using the Query Wizard to create/edit queries. Select the table with the data you wish to merge into your document and use the “>” button to select columns to include in the paper. Pressing “>” on the table name will consist of all columns in the document. (Here, I choose table Customer data as a sample.) several screens allow you to filter certain records and sort the records, followed by the final dialog. Select the Finish button to return the data to Microsoft Word. A Mail Merge Recipients window will show up. Press OK and then click Next: Write your letter. Here I use the Address block, Greeting line, and More items option as examples to write the letter. First, insert the bill address information by selecting the More items option and adding related fields. Second, insert the greeting information by selecting the Greeting lines option and configure the settings. Finally, insert address block information. After inserting all the information, it will display as below: Then select Next: Preview your letters, and you will see the finished notes with records from QuickBooks. The Mail Merge is complete now, and you can print the finished letters.
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