[QODBC-Desktop] How to run an ARAging Summary Report in QODBC
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM
Typical A/R Aging Summary Report in QuickBooksNote: It's easy to get confused here. QODBC Today often means your system date, while QuickBooks Today means the QuickBooks date. So when looking at the QuickBooks sample files, or company files that use a QuickBooks date and not the system date, or report dates other than the system date, you often need to use ReportEndDate Report Displayed in QODBCStored Procedure CommandWith QODBC, the same report can be generated using stored procedure reports like this with AgingAsOf = 'ReportEndDate' to match the future aging date of December 17, 2007: sp_report ARAgingSummary show Text, Label, Current, Amount_1 as "1 - 30", Amount_2 as "31 - 60", Display in QODBC | |
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