[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting: Chinese Character Cannot Export From QuickBooks Normally
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM

Troubleshooting: Chinese Character Cannot Export From QuickBooks Normally

Problem Description

      I can't transfer the Chinese character from QuickBooks to third-party software usually. All of the words become #$%&^$&. Whether QODBC cannot support Chinese characters? Does anybody know how to solve this problem?


     QODBC formats data into SQL field types more easily used in programming languages for math and comparison operations. First, QODBC only supports the standard aAbB...zZ character set. And besides, you can try checking the Include Raw Files option in the QODBC Setup Screen.

     Include Raw Files, if checked, will display both filtered and raw data formats. The Raw tables return the data as it is returned to QODBC without modification.

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