[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Cannot load Customer table records
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 20 February 2017 11:34 AM

Troubleshooting - Cannot load Customer table records.

Problem Description:

I am trying to query the Customer table. The Title Bar of the Access Application says Not responding. Still, it never opens for me in the datasheet view, either double-clicking the table or running a query - no error message is ever returned, but the screen maintains an hourglass.

I am getting the below error in QODBC logs:

2016-07-19 13:55:05 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
service: False
SQL Statement: SELECT * FROM Customer
Error Getting XML in BuildAndLoadXMLForNextRecord


Please enable the QODBC status panel via QODBC Setup Screen->Message Window->Select "Display Driver Status" and "Display optimizer Status" options.

After enabling the status panel to execute the query again, if you see "Waiting for QuickBooks," it means QuickBooks is taking the time to process the request. There will be a status panel at the lower right corner of your screen, showing a window with information on what QODBC is working at.

Also, You may face this issue If your company file contains many records in CustomerShipToAddress.

Sometimes, because of the extensive record sets being used, the Iterator or Chunk Size in the Advanced Tab in the QODBC Setup Screen should be setup up to accommodate the most extensive returned record set. The default is 500, and it can be set to any value up to 100,000.

To resolve this issue, Please download & install QODBC's latest version, V320 or above, by clicking here.

After downloading the latest QODBC version, please change the iterator chunk size to 2/10/50/100 on QODBC Setup Screen->Advanced tab.

After changing the chunk size, please query the customer table again. You should able to get records in the Customer table.


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