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TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO FIX DUPLICATE RECORDS IN THE QODBC TABLE. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I want to cancel my QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Desktop monthly subscription. How do I cancel the subscription to QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Desktop? SOLUTION:...
TROUBLESHOOTING - THERE WAS AN ERROR SAVING AN EMPLOYEES LIST. THE ADDRESS IS INVALID PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We have searched the wiki and internet and tried endlessly to 'Insert an Employee.' Below is our latest effort, all to no avail- Insert into E...
[QODBC ALL] WHAT DOES 'RED TEXT' IN THE QODBC DRIVER DIALOGS MEANS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: What does 'Red text' in the QODBC driver dialogs means SOLUTIONS:  Whenever you run any query for the first time, QODBC will first build the optimizer. Please r...
QODBC DESKTOP - HOW TO LINK INVOICE TO DEPOSIT USING QODBC? PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I want to apply the Payment to a particular Invoice using Deposits. How can I do so using the QODBC? SOLUTIONS:  Refer to the screenshot of the QuickBooks UI Invoice...
HOW TO CREATE A TRANSFER INVENTORY RECORD USING QODBC NOTE: The following example uses the QuickBooks USA Sample Rock Castle Construction company file. TO CREATE A NEW TRANSFER INVENTORY RECORD Please refer to the below-listed samples. INSERT INTO ...
ONLINE DATA LAYOUTS SOURCE   We have provided the tools to help you determine where field information comes from in QuickBooks Online, which tables contain the information you want, how tables can be related, and sample SQL statements. Please click here...
HOW TO USE POWERSHELL WITH QODBC Download Sample [] SAMPLE CODE FOR USING QODBC DSN: $connectstring = "DSN=QuickBooks Data;" $sql = "Select TOP 10 Name from Customer" $conn ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - UPDATE FROM A SELECT STATEMENT NOT WORKING PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to update records through the select statement. But it is not working. UPDATE Customer SET CustomFieldProjectNumber = i.JobNumber FROM ( SELECT ListID, {fn...
ACCESSING QUICKBOOKS DATA REMOTELY VIA SQL SERVER First, you need to create Linked Server in SQL Server. For 32-bit SQL Server. Please refer to How to create Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 32-bit Using QODBC/QRemote [http://support.flexquarters...
HOW TO IMPORT QUICKBOOKS DATA TO SQL SERVER DATABASE (LOCAL TABLE) First, you need to create Linked Server in SQL Server. For 32-bit SQL Server. Please refer to How to create Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 32-bit Using QODBC/QRemote [http://sup...
HOW TO INSERT INVOICE USING EXCEL - VBA Download Sample [] In this example, We will show you How to insert an Invoice in QuickBooks using the data available in an Exc...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING ERROR SOCKET CLOSED BECAUSE OF ABNORMAL PACKAGE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am getting Error SOCKET Closed because of an abnormal package in the QRemote client. I am accessing QuickBooks Data from the remote machine over the inter...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QODBC RECORD SET ISSUE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am using the below code. It is returning records & giving me the correct result. But If I change the query from "SELECT Name FROM customer" to "SELECT * FROM customer," it does not return...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO CLOSE SQL LINKED SERVER CONNECTION PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We are using QRemote with SQL Linked Servers with several different QuickBooks files. How can we close the connection to a QuickBooks file after the query has run, then o...
TROUBLESHOOTING - REPORTING SHIP TO ADDRESSES PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Has anyone run a report that will pull all the detail for a range of invoices? In particular, I'm looking to run a report that shows the ship-to addresses for specific products over a ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - CODE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN QODBC DESKTOP AND QODBC ONLINE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I have an MS Access application using QODBC to connect to desktop QuickBooks. Can I use the QODBC Online driver to connect to QuickBooks Online without chan...
USING ADODC AND ADODB WITH QODBC Download Sample [] ADODB WITH QODBC Open VB6, you can find it via Windows Start->All Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 : Create a New Standard EX...
HOW TO USE QODBC WITH SSIS Either QODBC or QRemote is required on the machine where the SSIS package will be developed and deployed, or SSIS services are installed. Development - On the machine, you are developing, the SSIS package should have QODBC ...
SAMPLE CODE FOR C++ WITH QODBC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; void ConvertTimeStampStructToString(TIMEST...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I SEE BACKORDER ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN INVOICED BUT NOT SHIPPED PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Could someone kindly provide me with a sample, or is there a stored procedure that would allow me to only pull out back ordered invoices from t...
TROUBLESHOOTING - TRYING TO UPDATE THE ITEMINVENTORYASSEMBLYLINE TABLE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: All our products are Inventory Assemblies. I am using MS Access connected to QuickBooks via QODBC. I am using queries in MS Access to loading/synchronize Inven...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QREMOTESERVER HANG-ON CONNECTION PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to connect to QuickBooks/QuickBooks POS using QRemote Server, But QRemoteServer is Having on Connection. SOLUTION: Please check if QuickBooks Or QuickBooks POS has ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I UPDATE CUSTOMER CUSTOM FIELDS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How do I update Customer custom fields? SOLUTION: You can update Customer custom fields using the update query. For Example: Update Customer Set CustomFieldContract='QO...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING ERROR "INDEX WAS OUTSIDE THE ARRAY BOUNDS." WHEN USING THE IMPORT/EXPORT TOOL IN SQL SERVER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I recently installed QODBC to get data out of a QuickBooks company file, but I get this error: "Index was outs...
TROUBLESHOOTING - UPGRADING TO QUICKBOOKS AND QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I have a custom program written in Access 2003 communicating with QuickBooks 2013 using QODBC 13, which works fine. Will upgrade to the latest QuickBooks and QODBC require any co...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO USE BETWEEN IN QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I need to use Between, in a range of dates, to return new customers in one period. I try this: SELECT FullName FROM Customer Where TimeCreated Between {d'2007-12-18'} AND {d'2007-12...
TROUBLESHOOTING - ODBC DRIVER DOESN'T SUPPORT THIS STATEMENT. UPDATING EXISTING RECORD PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I'm trying to make Inventory Items In-Active after a sale programmatically or Active after voiding a sale. I thought the following SQL statem...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I GET TABLE RECORD COUNT THE FASTEST WAY USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: What is the fastest way to get the number of records from a table? SOLUTION: QODBC would need to scan the whole table to get the record or row count....
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW CAN I USE WILDCARD (*) WITH CRYSTAL REPORT AND SP_REPORT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am using the following SQL statement: sp_report JobProfitabilityDetail show AmountActualCost_Title, AmountActualRevenue_Title, AmountDifferenceActu...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW CAN I GET LINKS BETWEEN ESTIMATE AND INVOICE USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I've explored the related-to fields but cannot determine how a line on the invoice is linked to the estimate. I'm designing a report that needs to se...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW CAN I GET THE LAST ITEMS SOLD TO CUSTOMER DETAILS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I created a report using a custom set with the customer as the parent and InvoiceLine as the child giving me items ordered in the past. My problem is I only...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO EXTRACT PRINTED CHECKS INFORMATION USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We are involved in a new project with our bank involving a 'Positive Payment' solution that requires I send them a file with the check summary data each time ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - CORRELATED SUBQUERIES IN THE UPDATE STATEMENT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I want to update the salesrep field in my existing invoices. I want to use the salesrep value stored in the Customer file. I would normally do this in SQL using a cor...
TROUBLESHOOTING - BILLABLE PAYROLL - NEED TO DISPLAY MORE FIELDS ON INVOICE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We need to bill all payroll costs to various customers. Payroll costs are defined as all of the following: 1. Employee's gross salary 2. Company share ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - WHERE IS THE BIN LOCATION FOR ITEMS STORED? PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I am using QuickBooks Enterprise with Advanced Inventory enabled. I am trying to find where the bin location for items is stored in QuickBooks through QODBC. PROBL...
HOW TO USE QODBC WITH MS EXCEL POWER QUERY NOTE: QODBC allows you to quickly merge live QuickBooks data into the cells of your Microsoft Excel worksheets for quick calculations and graphs. The data will retain a live link to QuickBooks, and one click wi...
HOW TO IMPORT DATA TO QUICKBOOKS THROUGH CSV USING QODBC NOTE: QODBC does not support direct import, But you can write VBA code that reads a CSV / Excel file & generates insert statements. There are two ways to Import data to QuickBooks through CSV us...
FOREIGN AND UNICODE CHARACTERS NOT SUPPORTED BY QODBC INFORMATION: QuickBooks allows users to put foreign (i.e., Chinese, Japanese, etc...) characters into item descriptions, etc... Unfortunately, these characters are not appropriately returned in qbX...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO STOP ANY QUERY ON VB DEMO APPLICATION PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to Stop any query on VBDEMO when it takes time. How to convert the date to QuickBooks date. I want to insert TxnDate in the ReceivePayment table, but it pops u...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO COMPUTE SUM WITHOUT COMPUTE CLAUSE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The following selection gives me the correct data using DISTINCT, but how do I get a sum of it, which is what I need? Select distinct billtopayduedate, billtopayrefnumb...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I VOID AN INVOICE? PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I don't see any indicator in the Invoice table. How do I void an Invoice? And How do I query for invoices that have been voided? SOLUTION: You can use SP_VOID just like you would use ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I GET TIMEFRAME INFORMATION - SALES BY HOUR REPORTING USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: This is a no technical question but one I need to answer myself before jumping into QODBC. I'm considering working with QODBC to get the in...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I DELETE ORPHANED INVOICELINE RECORDS? PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The InvoiceLine table contains orphan records (the parent invoice record no longer exists). I tried: DELETE FROM Invoice WHERE TxnID = 'xxxx-xxxxxxxxx' The TxnID is...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How can I get daily payment bill information? And How can I get daily Bill Payment information using QODBC, and How can I get these details? SOLUTION: You can use the query below to get details about daily Bill Payments. For Exa...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW CAN I GET ALL THE RECORDS FOR A SPECIFIED YEAR PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I need to compute a Year to Date total paid using the Invoice table. I'm working in MS-Access and need to run the following statement: SELECT SUM(Subtotal) FRO...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW CAN I CHANGE THE PRICING AND QUANTITY OF ITEMS IN AN ITEMGROUP? PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How can I change the price of each item in a group? Is it possible? If yes, please give me an example. SOLUTION: The ItemInventory, ItemServi...
TROUBLESHOOTING - EXPENSES WRITTEN TO BILLEXPENSELINE ARE NOT SHOWING AS BILLABLE WHEN VIEWED IN QUICKBOOKS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The field ExpenseLineBillableStatus contains the status of the BillExpenseLine and uses the following stored procedure "sp...
AN EXAMPLE OF PURCHASEORDER ITEM GROUPS CREATE AN ITEMGROUP WITH THREE LINES Note: Let's create a new item group example with three lines using QODBC. Note the FQSaveToCache field, set to True except on the last one. FIRST LINE INSERT INTO "ITEMGRO...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW DO I LIST THE SUBTOTAL OF INVOICES WITHIN THE DATE RANGE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I want to list the subtotal of all Invoices by a customer for not only that particular customer but all jobs assigned to that customer within a specifi...
TROUBLESHOOTING - INVOICE LINE RATE IS NOT LOADING INTO QUICKBOOKS ONLINE. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The InvoiceLineRate value passed in the insert query to create the InvoiceLine record is not being loaded into QBO. Below are the two queries I am using t...
TROUBLESHOOTING - ANOTHER USER HAS CHANGED THIS RECORD SINCE YOU STARTED EDITING IT. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I used the QuickBooks Pro 2015 trial version and purchased QODBC's latest version. I have an Access database with linked QB tables. I also have ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QUICKBOOKS ADVANCED INVENTORY MODULE IN QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Does your enterprise driver support the advanced inventory module for QuickBooks enterprise? Would we be able to query stock per item, per location? SOLUTION: You...
TROUBLESHOOTING - SELECT STATEMENT IS NOT WORKING. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am evaluating the product. When I made this SQL Statement: Select * from Customer where ListId=557 I was getting a column not found the error. The QBO online documentation says...
HOW TO EXPORT QUICKBOOKS DATA NOT AVAILABLE IN QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I have searched many of the tables connectable thru the QODBC. I cannot find customer list information such as the customer's website, Facebook, linked in, multiple phone number...
TROUBLESHOOTING - [QODBC] ERROR 3000 - THE GIVEN OBJECT ID "IN THE FIELD "LIST ID" IS INVALID PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I get a generic error when using QODBC to create an invoice. I am using the below query: INSERT INTO InvoiceLine ("TemplateRefListID...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to insert employee time information from MS Excel time spreadsheet into QuickBooks using QODBC SOLUTION: You cannot perform insert/update operations directly in MS Excel because Excel is just exporting tables in the spreadsh...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to use QODBC with Crystal Reports 11, but I'm also having similar results with the QODBC TEST TOOL included with the driver. Many queries, such as "select * from invoice," cause the program to hang. With Crystal Reports,...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How can I add a blank InvoiceLine in QuickBooks using QODBC? SOLUTION: You can create an empty Invoice, neither in QODBC nor QuickBooks. But in QuickBooks, you could leave lines blank and ensure at least one line with data in your...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: VB DemoQODBC Test ToolTest Connection was crashing When I tried to connect to QuickBooks using QODBC. I have tried reinstalling QODBC & QuickBooks, but the QODBC Test connection (also via QODBC Test Tool) is still crashing. Also, I...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO CONVERT BIT TO INTEGER USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to get our ODBC extension module interface working with QODBC. Everything seems to work fine except trying to read SQL_BIT type fields. It causes the Script BA...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO CHANGE THE STATUS OF THE INVOICE IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I had inserted it into the table ReceivePaymentLine, but it not changes the status to "Paid"? How do I do it? I use InvoiceLine to insert Item sales an...
REFRESH ON MS EXCEL FAILS. PROBLEM: MS Excel shows a data protection error when we click on the "Refresh All" link. When you click "OK," you will see the error below. SOLUTION: You are receiving this error because your Excel sheet is in PROTECTED M...
HOW TO GET CONVERSION RATIO INFORMATION FROM UNITOFMEASURESETRELATEDUNIT TABLE IN QODBC Conversion ratio information is stored in a table called UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit. PROBLEM: How to get Conversion Ratio information from UnitOfMeasureSetRelated...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QODBC DRIVER DROPPING A FEW TRANSACTIONS ON INSERT TO INVOICELINES PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We seem to have an issue with an insert into the InvoiceLines table, dropping a few transactions. We need to create about 1000 invoices per month...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO GET VBA TO EXECUTE TWO STATEMENTS AT THE SAME TIME PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We use a Visual Basic app with an SQL Server database to write data to QB through QODBC. We are executing two SQL statements as described in your help. We ...
CONNECTING QODBC ONLINE DRIVER TO QUICKBOOKS ONLINE FOR THE FIRST TIME  (VIDEO) For system requirement details of QODBC Online, click here []. How to install QODBC Onlin...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO RE-LINK QUICKBOOKS DATA IN MS ACCESS USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: We are adding invoice records to QuickBooks using an Access front end. When we create the records and try to insert them into QuickBooks, the line items see...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO RECORD THE ISSUE I AM FACING AND SHOW/SHARE THE SCREEN. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to record the issue I am facing and show/share the screen. SOLUTIONS: Please follow below steps for recording the issue you are facing. 1) Dow...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO LOCATE DATA FOUND IN QUICKBOOKS BY TABLE AND FIELD NAME INSIDE QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I have a question about How to locate data found in QuickBooks by table and field name inside the QODBC system. SOLUTIONS: The fastest ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO GIVE REFUND TO EXISTING CREDITMEMO USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How can I apply a refund check to an existing credit memo using QODBC? In QuickBooks, I can refund by opening the Create Credit Memos/Refunds dialogue box usin...
CONFIGURE QODBC ONLINE FOR USE WITH JITTERBIT COMMUNITY EDITION 3.0.0 (QREMOTE) To use QODBC Online with Jitterbit community edition 3.0.0, you should follow the steps below to configure your QODBC Online driver and Jitterbit connection. These steps wor...
CONFIGURE QODBC FOR USE WITH JITTERBIT COMMUNITY EDITION 3.0.0 (QREMOTE) To use QODBC with Jitterbit community edition 3.0.0, you should follow the steps below to configure your QODBC driver and Jitterbit connection. These steps work for QODBC with Jitt...
SETUP IN ALPHA FIVE CREATE A NEW WORKSPACE Start Alpha Five and create a new workspace. It could be called Online. adb - a holder for the entire application. Click the WORKSPACE & TASKS tab -> Click -> choose to CREATE A NEW, EMPTY WORKSPACE -> cl...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO USE QODBC ONLINE WITH FILEMAKER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I downloaded the trial version of your driver this morning and am excited about the prospects. I've installed it and can get the fields and tables to appear in QODBC TEST TOO...
HOW TO USE QODBC ONLINE WITH QLIKVIEW To use QlikView with QODBC Online, please follow the below steps. 1. Open QlikView & Create the new file. 2. Select Data Source. Click on Browse. 3. Please select the MS Excel file & click "Next." 4. Click "N...
WE ARE WRITING TO QUICKBOOKS SAFELY. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I'm a little concerned about the write feature and changing any current data in QuickBooks from the Excel files I want to experiment in. Are my concerns valid, or what is the best way for me to p...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING QODBC NOT SUPPORTED ERROR WHILE INSERTING INVOICE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to insert an Invoice, But I am getting the below error: [QODBC] Not supported (#10003) I am using below SQL statements: INSERT INTO "Invo...
EXAMPLES OF CREATING INVOICE USING QREMOTE FROM SQL SERVER NOTE: For multi-line invoices, some may find it easier to NOT include the header information with each line item, but rather to have separate smaller commands for the Invoice Lines and a final ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO GET BANK RECONCILIATION DETAILS USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to get Bank Reconciliation details using QODBC I've not successfully identified any field/flag identifying the bank reconciliation status. Is this informatio...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QREMOTE DOES NOT CONSIDER FQSAVETOCACHE WITH WORKING WITH ODBCCOMMAND & PARAMETERS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: QRemote Does not consider FQSaveToCache with working with OdbcCommand & Parameters. I have an application that creates Sales Orde...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to use parameters in OPENQUERY SOLUTIONS: OPENQUERY does not accept variables for its arguments. You need to Pass Basic Values as below example: SELECT QUERY: DECLARE @TSQL VARCHAR(8000), @ID VARCHAR(25) SELECT @ID = '1...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO SELECT A RECORD WHEN THE VALUE IS NULL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to run a report that returns ItemInventory where LastReceived is NULL. I have tried in vain to accomplish this. What syntax do you use to select a blank/nu...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO USE DATE() AND DATEADD() FUNCTION IN QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I want to write some select statements on InvoiceLine and SalesReceiptLine that return all records dated WITHIN the past 30 days relative to whatever TODAY is. I'm...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO CREATE A BLANK INVOICE IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How do I create a note (or a blank line) on the invoice? If I do it the same way that I do it using QODBC for QuickBooks, I get an error : Error send...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING [QODBC] NOT SUPPORTED ERROR WHEN TRYING TO MODIFY THE TXNDELETED TABLE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to modify the TxnDeleted table from QuickBooks in QODBC but getting the "[QODBC] Not Supported" error. SOLUTIONS: The T...
QODBC ONLINE FOR QUICKBOOKS ONLINE - KNOWN ISSUE(S)/LIMITATION(S) Table Invoice, InvoiceLine, and InvoiceLinkedTxn may have the initial performance issue, but after the full load, the subsequent queries should perform well. ARAccountRefFullName, ARAcc...
TROUBLESHOOTING - MULTIPLE TABLES EXIST ERROR IN THE LINKED SERVER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to run a query using an SQL Server database link to QuickBooks using QRemote. I can set up the linked server fine in SQL Server, and the connection has b...
TROUBLESHOOTING - MS ACCESS CRASHES HARD ON DATE QUERY PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I've linked all the QODBC tables into an Access 2010 DB. I have created table subset queries on the original tables and would like to do selects based on date ranges - other thi...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO GET ALT.EMAIL1,2 & CC EMAIL FIELDS FROM A THE CUSTOMER TABLE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How do I access the alternate email address 1 and 2 and the cc email fields? I don't see them at the customer table. SOLUTIONS: You can get CC ...
EXAMPLES OF CREATING INVOICE USING QODBC First, please create a new MS Access database & link ALL tables. Please refer to the below-mentioned article for How to Use QODBC with Microsoft Access: How to Use QODBC with Microsoft Access [http://support.fle...
INSTRUCTION: When inserting multiple records into a line item table, you can use column FQSaveToCache. Set column FQSaveToCache to 1 in all insert queries except the last line set to 0. But table TimeTracking is not a line item table; there is no FQSa...
HOW TO APPLY DISCOUNTS TO EXISTING INVOICES PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: We have hundreds of invoices to that we want to apply a 10% discount, as the customer is going into bankruptcy and is giving us the choice of accepting a commitment to accept 10% of the i...
HOW TO FIND S.O NUMBER INFORMATION OF SALES ORDERS IN QODBC INSTRUCTIONS: Sometimes QODBC may have the field name the same as in QuickBooks. You cannot find S.O Number or P.O Number in QODBC, but QODBC does have a field in these tables to store the inf...
HOW TO RUN PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT / PAYCHECK TRANSACTIONS USING QODBC REPORT IN QUICKBOOKS Paycheck transaction information is not stored in a separate table, but you can refer to the Payroll Summary report in QuickBooks to view the payroll records of...
SOLUTION: To rebuild your company file via File->Utilities->Rebuild Data in QuickBooks to see if it can fix your issue.
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Fields related to Balances and QuantityOnHand show a Null or Missing Value, whereas QuickBooks shows the correct information. e.g., When using the below query with Optimizer On, it does not show the detail, but when Optimizer is tur...
HOW TO ADD A NEW LINE ITEM TO AN EXISTING PURCHASE ORDER DESCRIPTION: We know how to create a new PurchaseOderLine; refer to How to create a Purchase Order using QODBC [
How to get information on Tables and Columns HOW TO GET INFORMATION ON TABLES AND COLUMNS There are more than 130 tables in QODBC, and several methods of viewing detailed information on QODBC tables are as below. USING STORED PROCEDURES Some stored ...
How to Get Multiple Customer Ship To Address Using QODBC HOW TO GET MULTIPLE CUSTOMER SHIP TO ADDRESS USING QODBC INSTRUCTIONS When a customer has multiple Ship to Addresses, QODBC can only display only one Ship to Address which is set as the "Defaul...
HOW TO FIND MONEY TRANSFERS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS TRANSACTIONS USING QODBC NOTE: This is a known issue with the Intuit qbXML SDK. One would expect that they would appear in the Journal Entry tables, but they currently do not. You can, however, extract you...
INSTRUCTION ON VIEWING LIVE QUICKBOOKS DATA WITHIN YOUR BROWSER QODBC can talk to a copy of QuickBooks running anywhere in the world over the internet or your local area network. The feature is built-in and requires no additional charge. Using the feat...
NORMAL INSTRUCTIONS QuickBooks can handle a maximum of 2 billion transactions. The maximum number of transactions is limited more by your computer's disk space and memory than by QuickBooks. Each list in QuickBooks has a maximum number of items it ca...
Sales Orders to Purchase Orders don't have a LinkedTxn table. SALES ORDER CREATED IN QUICKBOOKS Created the following Sales Order in QuickBooks: PURCHASE ORDER CREATED IN QUICKBOOKS Get QuickBooks to create a purchase order. It made the followin...
WHERE THE VENDOR CUSTOM FIELD LABEL CAPTIONS COME FROM IN QUICKBOOKS Custom Fields are created within QuickBooks. The Label names can also be modified at any time. For example, when editing a Vendor, click on the ADDITIONAL INFO tab page: Click ...
TROUBLESHOOTING: TWO CONNECTIONS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1 I will read from and write to QuickBooks data file from the VB6 application. So far, I have realized that QBSDK (QBFC) is not good enough to retrieve the data I want. It doesn't allow me to sel...