Knowledgebase: QODBC
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Error 3180 - There was an error when saving a data extension named "".QuickBooks error message : Attribute with specified name already exists.
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 01 December 2017 08:57 AM

Troubleshooting - Error 3180 - There was an error when saving a data extension named ". "QuickBooks error message: Attribute with the specified name already exists.

Problem Description:

I am using QODBC for creating Invoices in QuickBooks. I am using CustomField in QuickBooks.

It works fine if I insert null strings into the two custom fields like this.

INSERT INTO InvoiceLine ( InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache ) VALUES ( '8000001B-1436399889', 'TW Markup,' 15, 0.26, '20000-1051544872', 1 )

INSERT INTO Invoice ( CustomerRefListID, ARAccountRefListID, RefNumber, CustomFieldDBInvoice, CustomFieldFinalBuyer, Memo, TemplateRefListID ) VALUES ( '80000CFB-1334284223', '3A0000-1121110183', '22111', '', '', 'Import Date: 11/23/2017', '80000021-1483576709' )

But if I include any characters in the text string for either custom field, like this, I get the attached error.

INSERT INTO InvoiceLine ( InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache ) VALUES ( '8000001B-1436399889', 'TW Markup,' 15, 0.26, '20000-1051544872', 1 )

INSERT INTO Invoice ( CustomerRefListID, ARAccountRefListID, RefNumber, CustomFieldDBInvoice, CustomFieldFinalBuyer, Memo, TemplateRefListID ) VALUES ( '80000CFB-1334284223', '3A0000-1121110183', '22111', 'x,' 'x,' 'Import Date: 11/23/2017', '80000021-1483576709' )

Below is the error in the QODBC & QuickBooks SDK logs.

Error: 3180 - There was an error when saving a data extension named "Final Buyer."QuickBooks error message: Attribute with the specified name already exists.

20171123.123634 E 11176 DataExtStorage::DoAdd Error saving: data extension named "Final Buyer."QuickBooks error message: Attribute with the specified name already exists.


You will face this issue when you set the default value in the Custom Fields.

The default strings take precedence over the new values set in the insert statement & issue happens.

If you edit the custom fields in the Invoice from QuickBooks Application, it will ask to confirm the edit.

You must answer 'No' to the next question about having this "new information appear next time."

If you answer 'Yes,' it will set the defaults in the customer record and prevent text strings from being written to those fields in the Invoice.

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