Knowledgebase: QODBC
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How to Receive Inventory without Purchase Orders
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 27 September 2017 10:13 AM

Troubleshooting - How to Receive Inventory without Purchase Orders

Problem Description:

Is it possible to register an item's arrival without the purchase order?

If yes, can I insert the rows in the "ItemReceiptItemLine" table using the reference to Bill?


Receiving Item does not require Purchase Order. You can receive it directly using BillItemLine & ItemReceiptItemLine table.

If you want to reference Receive Item with Bill, you need to create Bill using the BillItemLine table.

Please refer to How to create Bills using QODBC for more details.

You can Receive Items without PurchaseOrder by inserting records in the "ItemReceiptItemLine" table.

Examples of Creating Item Receipts using QODBC

First, please create a new MS Access database & link the ItemReceiptItemLine table.

Please refer to How to Use QODBC with MS Access 2016 / 365 / 2013 32-bit for more details.

If you have 64-bit MS Office, Please refer to How to Use QODBC with MS Access 2016 / 365 / 2013 64-bit for more details.


After linking the table, we need to execute the query in the MS Access query editor:
MS Access >> create tab >> Query Design

It should pop up for choosing the table. Please click the "close" button.

Now, Please click on "SQL" from the left top corner below the File menu.


Create an Item Receipt with 2 Lines

     Here we create an Item Receipt with two lines using 2 ItemReceiptItemLine INSERT commands (with the FQSaveToCache caching flag set true), which is automatically designed to pull in all cached ItemReceiptItemLine records and save immediately.

First Line

INSERT INTO ItemReceiptItemLine (VendorRefListID, RefNumber,Memo, ItemLineItemRefListID, ItemLineDesc, ItemLineQuantity, ItemLineCost, ItemLineAmount, ItemLineCustomerRefListID, ItemLineBillableStatus,FQSaveToCache) values ('B0000-933272656', '1', 'Received items (bill to follow),' '110000-933272656', 'Cabinets: Cabinet Pulls,' 2,50,100,' 7D0000-1071526869', 'Billable,' 1)

Second Line

INSERT INTO ItemReceiptItemLine (VendorRefListID, RefNumber,Memo, ItemLineItemRefListID, ItemLineDesc, ItemLineQuantity, ItemLineCost, ItemLineAmount, ItemLineCustomerRefListID, ItemLineBillableStatus,FQSaveToCache) values ('A60000-1197760912', '1', 'Received items (bill to follow),' '130000-933272656', 'Hardware: Doorknobs Std,' 3,60,180,' 940000-1071506775', 'Billable,' 0)

Result in QuickBooks

Related Data Location Information

VendorRefListID Find ListID from Vendor Table

ItemLineItemRefListID Find ListID from Item Table

ItemLineCustomerRefListID Find ListID from Customer Table


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