[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Can I use Dropbox/Google Drive with QuickBooks & QODBC?
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 25 January 2017 06:50 AM

Troubleshooting - Can I use Dropbox/Google Drive with QuickBooks & QODBC?

Problem Description:

Can I use Dropbox/Google Drive with QuickBooks & QODBC?


No, You can't use Dropbox/Google Drive with QuickBooks & QODBC because Dropbox/Google Drive is NOT supported by QuickBooks and can cause data file corruption. No locking or sync takes place in QuickBooks data files unless you use the server version in QuickBooks Enterprise.

As part of the integration, application details are stored. Also, The integrated application info is saved.SDS, LGB files, and other user profile/registry places. SDS/.LGB file, which is next to Company File, it could be possible that the file is changed on another machine and causing this issue. Dropbox or such services will sync it and may cause loss of integrated application certificate or be marked as Not allowed. The user must always approve QODBC in QuickBooks's integrated application window.


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