Troubleshooting - CreditCardInfoCreditCardNumber returns ******1234
Problem Description:
This used to work, and I have no idea why it now blinds all reads of the CreditCardInfoCreditCardNumber field in the Customer table.
I previously used QODBC to transfer an entire QB 2006 Canadian company into a new QB USA 2008 file. I had no problem reading the actual credit card number from an MS Access application using an ADO connection at that time. Now when trying to read from the QB USA 2008 company or the latest one. I either get NULLS in this field, or the information is blended with the Asterix characters as in the subject above (the same happens using the supplied QODBC Test Tool application). This depends on what optimizer flags I use (VERIFY, NOOPTIMIZE, etc.) I haven't found a combination that gets me the whole credit card number.
Before you ask why I need this, it's because we do our credit card billing through the gateway, and I don't want to have to maintain a separate store of CC information for security reasons.
What happened?

Sorry, but Intuit no longer allows the full credit card number to be seen using QuickBooks 2008 USA Edition and the qbXML SDK v7.0. The API is changing the Credit Card to "xxxxxxxxxxxx1234", not QODBC.