Knowledgebase: TroubleShooting
[QODBC-ALL] Troubleshooting - Update from a select statement not working
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 19 August 2016 01:02 PM

Troubleshooting - Update from a select statement not working

Problem Description:

I am trying to update records through the select statement. But it is not working.

UPDATE Customer SET CustomFieldProjectNumber = i.JobNumber FROM ( SELECT ListID, {fn SUBSTRING("Name", 1, 5)} AS JobNumber FROM Customer WHERE TimeCreated > {ts '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000'} ) i WHERE i.ListID = Customer.ListID

I am getting the "Unexpected extra token: (" error in QODBC Test Tool. 

Any Assistance Is Appreciated.



You can execute the below query in MS Access linked table without any issue.

Please refer to How to Use QODBC with MS Access 2016 / 365 / 2013 32-bit

You need to link the Customer table in MS Access & execute the query in the access query editor.

MS Access>> create tab >> Query Design >> Paste query >> Execute query using Run button

Update Customer qe inner join Customer de on qe.ListID = de.ListID set qe.CustomFieldProjectNumber = MID (de.Name,1,5) WHERE qe.TimeCreated >#2016-01-01 00:00:01#

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