[QODBC-Online] Troubleshooting - QuickBooks message 653-Unauthorized - 401 - Fault exception of type: AUTHENTICATION has been generated. QB Begin Session Failed. Error - Unauthorized-401
Problem Description:
I was able to use QODBC Online. Suddenly, I got the below error when I tried to connect to QBO using QODBC Online. It was working properly—no known changes to Windows or QODBC. Begin Session Failed. S0000 00000 [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error - Unauthorized-401 - - Fault Exception of type: AUTHENTICATION has been generated.

The authorized access token for QuickBooks Online will remain active for 180 days. A privileged access token expires after 180 days. When this occurs, responses to calls to QuickBooks Data Services and the QuickBooks Online API indicate that the access token is invalid.
So, You need to reauthorize/reconnect QODBC Online at QuickBooks Online to resolve the issue.
Please refer to How to Reconnect QODBC Online with QuickBooks Online Edition.
Please follow the below-listed steps.
1) "Disconnect from QuickBooks" 32-Bit.
Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online>> Configure 32-bit QODBC Online Data Source>> Go To "System DSN" Tab>> Select "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 32-bit >> Click "configure" >> Switch to "General" tab >> Click the "Disconnect from QuickBooks" button.

2) "Disconnect from QuickBooks" 64-Bit. Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online>> Configure 64-bit QODBC Online Data Source>> Go To "System DSN" Tab>> Select "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 64-bit >> Click "configure" >> Switch to "General" tab >> Click the "Disconnect from QuickBooks" button.

3) Close all the applications.
4) Connect to QuickBooks:
Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online>> Configure 32-bit QODBC Online Data Source>> Go To "System DSN" Tab>> Select "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 32-bit >> Click "configure" >> Switch to "General" tab >> Click "Connect to QuickBooks"
Please refer to https://qodbc.com/links/2659
5) Use QODBC Online 32-Bit Test Tool to test the connectivity.
6) Export the connection key from "QuickBooks Online Data" DSN of type 32-bit
Please use the DSN "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 32-bit to export the connection key: Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online>> Configure 32-bit QODBC Online Data Source>> Go To "System DSN" Tab>> Select "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 32-bit >> Click "configure">> Switch to "General" tab >> Click on "Export Connection key" button to the Export key.
7) Import the connection key from the above step to 64-bit DSN.
Please use the DSN "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 64-bit using 64-Bit ODBC Data Source. You can import the connection key: Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online>> Configure 64-bit QODBC Online Data Source>> Go To "System DSN" Tab>> "QuickBooks Online Data" of type 64-bit >> Click "configure">> Switch to General tab click on "Import Connection key" button.
Refer to the knowledgebase article at https://qodbc.com/links/2658 Section "Import / Export connection key:"
8) Use QODBC Online 64-Bit Test Tool to test the connectivity.
Tags: QuickBooks Online, QBO, Authorization, Authentication, 401, Begin Session Failed