Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How to extract printed checks information using QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 30 March 2016 10:19 AM

Troubleshooting - How to extract printed checks information using QODBC

Problem Description:

We are involved in a new project with our bank involving a 'Positive Payment' solution that requires I send them a file with the check summary data each time we do a check printing run. The example layout I received from this looks like this: (best viewed with a fixed font)


20799001234560000071909000005100020040512 Abelman, Frayne & Schwab
20799001234560000071910000000200020040512 American Express
20799001234560000071911000000200020040512 Arizona Dept. of Revenue
20799001234560000071912000000200020040512 Arrow Electronics Inc.
20799001234560000071913000000200020040512 ASCOM Hasler Mailing Sys

I can manage the formatting if I can get the data into Access, but I need to grab the check number, check amount issue date, a void indicator if that's available, and the payee name.

Can I do this?


If you are paying bills each day and printing them in a daily batch, then you can try looking at the following:

SELECT RefNumber, Amount, TxnDate, Memo, PayeeEntityRefFullName FROM BillPaymentCheck where BankAccountRefFullname='Checking' and IsToBePrinted is NULL and TxnDate={fn CURDATE()}

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