Knowledgebase: Tutorials
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How can I get daily Bill Payment information?
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 09 March 2016 12:52 PM

Problem Description:

How can I get daily payment bill information? And How can I get daily Bill Payment information using QODBC, and How can I get these details?  


You can use the query below to get details about daily Bill Payments.

For Example:

SELECT DueDate, VendorRefFullName as Vendor, RefNumber as Ref, AmountDue as "Amt. Due" FROM Bill where IsPaid = 0 and DueDate <= {d'2007-12-25'} order by DueDate

Note:  QODBC Support Wizard is used only to test QODBC SQL queries and is not a development tool.



You can go straight to the BillToPay table like this.

SELECT BillToPay.BillToPayDueDate as "Date Due," Bill.VendorRefFullName as Vendor, BillToPay.BillToPayRefNumber as Ref, BillToPay.BillToPayAmountDue as "Amt. Due", BillToPay.CreditToApplyCreditRemaining as "Credit Remaining" FROM BillToPay, Bill where BillToPay.BillToPayTxnID = Bill.TxnID and BillToPay.BillToPayDueDate <= {d'2007-12-25'} order by BillToPay.BillToPayDueDate

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