[QODBC-Desktop] How to connect to QODBC using Python
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 09 March 2016 09:34 AM
How to connect to QODBC using PythonSample Code for using QODBC DSN:import pyodbc cn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=QuickBooks Data;') cursor = cn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT Top 10 Name FROM Customer") for row in cursor.fetchall(): print (row) cursor.close() cn.close() QODBC Configuration:Turn on the "Simulate Transaction support for SQL Server" option OR Turn on the "SQL Server Support" option
Script execution & Result in Command Prompt:Navigate to your Python script folder:
Result: Troubleshooting: If you receive an error [QODBC] Driver Not Capable when using "QuickBooks Data" DSN Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks>> Configure QODBC Data Source>>Go To "System DSN" Tab>> select QuickBooks Data>> click "configure">> switch to Advanced tab>> enable "Simulate Transaction support for SQL Server" option. After enabling the above option, you can use "QuickBooks Data" DSN in the python script. Sample Code for using QRemote DSN:import pyodbc cn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=QuickBooks Data QRemote;') cursor = cn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT Top 10 Name FROM Customer") for row in cursor.fetchall(): print (row) cursor.close() cn.close()
Please Note: If you have a 64-bit application, you must use QRemote 64-bit DSN "QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote." Script execution & Result in Command Prompt:Navigate to your Python script folder:
Sample Code for parameterized insert statement using QRemote DSN:import pyodbc from decimal import * stmt = pyodbc.connect("DSN=QuickBooks Data QRemote", autocommit=True) CustomerRefListID = input("CustomerRefListID: ") ClassRefFullName = input("ClassRefFullName: ") TemplateRefListID = input("TemplateRefListID: ") RefNumber = input("RefNumber: ") CreditMemoLineItemRefListID = input("CreditMemoLineItemRefListID: ") CreditMemoLineDesc = input("CreditMemoLineDesc: ") Rate = input("CreditMemoLineRate: ") Quantity = input("CreditMemoLineQuantity: ") Amount = input("CreditMemoLineAmount: ") encoding = 'utf-8' P1 = CustomerRefListID.encode(encoding) P2 = ClassRefFullName.encode(encoding) P3 = TemplateRefListID.encode(encoding) P4 = RefNumber.encode(encoding) P5 = CreditMemoLineItemRefListID.encode(encoding) P6 = CreditMemoLineDesc.encode(encoding) P7= Decimal(Rate) P8= Decimal(Quantity) P9= Decimal(Amount) cursor = stmt.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO CreditMemoLine (CustomerRefListID,ClassRefFullName, TemplateRefListID, RefNumber, CreditMemoLineItemRefListID, CreditMemoLineDesc, CreditMemoLineRate,CreditMemoLineQuantity, CreditMemoLineAmount) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" cursor.execute(sql,(P1),(P2),(P3),(P4),(P5),(P6),(P7),(P8),(P9)) cursor.close() stmt.close() Navigate to your Python script folder: Run your Python script: CreditMemo was created in QuickBooks. | |
If your QuickBooks application is installed on another machine, then you can connect to QuickBooks from a remote machine using QRemote Server. You need to install QODBC on both machine.
Please refer below mentioned article for Accessing QuickBooks Data Remotely using QODBC &QRemote. (Video):
You need to run QRemote Server on QuickBooks machine & try to connect from your workstation using QRemote Client. QRemote Client should point to QuickBooks Server IP & Port.
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