Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it.
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 19 January 2016 10:27 AM

Troubleshooting - Another user has changed this record since you started editing it.

Problem Description:

I used the QuickBooks Pro 2015 trial version and purchased QODBC's latest version.

I have an Access database with linked QB tables. I also have Access tables, some of which parallel the QB tables (for testing).

One of these tables is the Customer table. If I use the Access local version of the Customer table, I can edit records and move to the following form, and data is saved.

If I use the QODBC linked Customer table, the edited value appears in the field, but when I leave and return to the record, the pre-edit value appears. If I re-edit the record and move to the next record, I always get an error message that another user opens the record, and the pre-edit value appears.

In both cases, the same form is used. Only the queried table fields change; therefore, I know this is either a QB or QODBC generated the problem.

If I open the linked Customer table in the datasheet view and edit a record and move to the next record, the same happens – the edit is not saved, and the record value does not change when I move to the following form.

I am the only user as I am developing an interface with QB using QODBC and QB, and my Access program only resides on my PC.

How do I get QB or QODBC to save my edits to the record and stop returning the error message that 'the record is used by another user and cannot be preserved?


Please ensure that the record is not used from the QuickBooks UI in edit mode or that any other user is modifying the same. You can open QuickBooks in a single-user way & try to alter the record. Before changing the record, make sure that the record is not open from QuickBooks UI.

The MS Access table will require a refresh if updated records are not showing up. So please close MS Access linked table & reopen it again. You will get updated records.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try to create a new MS Access database file & link table and try to edit record and share the outcome. 

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