[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - QRemote Error "Could not connect to server/QRemoteServer"
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 05 June 2015 09:32 AM
Troubleshooting - QRemote Error "Could not connect to server/QRemoteServer."Problem Description 1:I have tested using QODBC Test Tool and the QRemote DSN test connection. I cannot connect to QRemote DSN. I am getting the below error: Problem Description 2:I am trying to connect to QRemote Server from my application. The below code hangs on the .open command: Dim cnQODBC As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("DSN=QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote;OLE DB Services=-2;") Dim daQODBC As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter = New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter() cnQODBC.Open() The QODBC server does not show any activity. Solutions:Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue. You will get the message "Could not connect to server" or "Could not connect to QRemoteserver" error due to one of the following reasons: For Example: 5) Please verify QRemote is configured correctly. For 32-bit QRemote DSN:Start>> All Programs>>QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source >>Go To "System DSN" Tab >> select QuickBooks Data QRemote >> click "configure":
If it is not running, then please run from the following: Please verify "Remote DSN" and select "QuickBooks Data "DSN from dropdown >> click "Test Connection." For 64-bit QRemote DSN:Please verify your QRemote DSN configuration:
If it is not running, then please run from the following: Please verify "Remote DSN" and select "QuickBooks Data "DSN from dropdown >> click "Test Connection." | |