Knowledgebase: Installation
[QXL-Desktop] How to use QXL
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 26 March 2015 01:31 PM

How to use QXL

Step 1 - Download QXL

If you haven't already downloaded QXL, go to the download page now. Don't forget to read the "Readme" file during installation for the latest information on QXL setup, new features, and other driver information. Save the self-extracting executable "QXLSetup.exe" in a temporary directory or your "My Documents" folder to extract the installation files.

Step 2 - Running the Installer:

Click on the Install program from within Windows to install the driver. Select the destination directory to install the QXL support files. Click "OK" to continue.

The QXL - QuickBooks Export Made Easy® has been successfully installed on your computer. You can begin to use it because it will immediately run as a 30-day evaluation version.

Step 3 - Use QXL:

After installation, you may notice the following icons on the desktop.

QXL – Silent Mode - It uses the last saved settings of QXL and Automatically starts Executing the data export with no user interface.QXL – Direct Mode - It uses the previously saved settings of QXL and Automatically starts Executing the data export with the user interface, i.e., displaying progress data export.QXL – Manual execution of Data Export/Update Settings/Activation-Deactivation. You can select tables and destinations to which the files should be exported. Start QuickBooks, log in to your company file, Switch back to QXL, and click Export Data.

After the export is completed. Exported data folder will open.

Exported data is placed at the below location by default: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\QXL\

QXL Features:

1. Export QuickBooks Data to XML format via QODBC.

2. Export QuickBooks Data to CSV format via QODBC.

3. Ability to choose export file(s) location.

4. Ability to export to Separate files or a single file.

5. Ability to export all selected, tabled, or excluded tables.

6. Ability to save your default settings from Options.

Also, Refer:
QXL options and settings

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Comments (2)
Ranier Soliman
27 March 2018 07:48 AM
Is there a capability to append previous Export Or update previous Export?
28 March 2018 09:50 AM
Hi Ranier,

QXL is storing exported data in MS Excel spreadsheet locally. So you can update exported data as per your requirement.
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