[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Unable to find table QBAdvancedReportGroup.
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 10 November 2014 02:27 PM
Troubleshooting - Unable to find table QBAdvancedReportGroup.Problem Description 1:1. I'm attempting to utilize your ODBC driver for reporting through Excel from QuickBooks Enterprise. The tables in your report help guide aren't accessible to me and appear as part of the QBAdvancedReportGroup. An example is a v_account view. I couldn't find any other place to get a list of the chart of accounts. Is it possible to obtain permission to be part of that group? I have added every privilege to the ODBC setup in the application but did not see that group as an option. 2. I have a customer using QB Enterprise, and they are using the built-in ODBC in conjunction with MS Query and Excel to create a refreshable report. 3. I have set up a connection from Access to QB. However, I can only open tables in the QBReportAdminGroup, not those in the QBAdminGroup. I get the following error: Problem Description 2:I am connected to QODC. When I run QODBC Test Tool, it gives me an error [Sybase][ODBC driver]SQL Anywhere] Invalid user ID or password. Solutions:You're using Intuit Custom Reporting for QuickBooks Enterprise and Not QODBC. I kindly request you remove any connection you use with Sybase SQL Anywhere and use QODBC. Tags: QBReportAdminGroup_v_txn_bill_line, v_lst_time_activity,v_lst,v_cf, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.transaction_date, v_lst_item.description, v_lst_item.name, v_cf_item.name, v_cf_item.field, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.item_id, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.unit_price_amt, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.amount_amt, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.quantity_qnty, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.doc_num_h, v_txn_sales_receipt_line.customer_id, v_lst_ship_to.state, v_lst_ship_to.postal_code,QBReportAdminGroup.v_cf_item v_cf_item, QBReportAdminGroup.v_lst_item v_lst_item, QBReportAdminGroup.v_lst_ship_to v_lst_ship_to, QBReportAdminGroup.v_txn_sales_receipt_line v_txn_sales_receipt_line, qbreportadmingroup_v_lst_account
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