Problem Description:
We modified an invoice in QuickBooks and are trying to get the data out in Excel, but QODBC gives us the old data.
QODBC failure to return full records is usually caused by corruption of the QODBC optimizer file. I want to inform you that the Optimizer file may be corrupted if you are killing the process or query while the optimizer file is building. It is not advisable to kill a query while it is in execution.
Please reset the optimizer to solve the problem.
1) Close all other applications that use QODBC.
2) Turn off the QODBC optimizer (QODBC Setup Screen->" Optimizer" tab->Uncheck "Use optimizer" option)
3) Find the file with the .opt extension at the path you had assigned to the QODBC optimizer and delete the optimizer file.
(The default path is %AppData%\QODBC Driver for QuickBooks\Optimizer)
You can find the optimizer folder path from QODBC Setup Screen->" Optimizer" tab. Please copy this path & navigate to this path & delete the .opt file.
You can directly delete the .opt file from:
Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks>>QODBC Setup Screen>>" Optimizer" tab>>Click "Reset Optimizer File(s)."
 4) Turn on the QODBC optimizer (QODBC Setup Screen->" Optimizer" tab->Check "Use optimizer" option)
5) After turning on the optimizer, please run the below command in QODBC Test Tool:
sp_optimizefullsync All
This command will bring some data to a local cache to increase query retrieval performance. I want to suggest you please let run the above command completely. The above command may take some time, depending on your QuickBooks records. It may take 2-24 hours or more, depending on the number of records in the QuickBooks company file. Please let this command run entirely. Do not kill this command. It is not advisable to kill/close the application while it's building the Optimizer file.
6) Please test again to see if the problem is still there.
7) After completing the above steps, please test data from QODBC Test Tool. If you can get updated data, then please refresh the Excel sheet so you can get updated data.