[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting: Error:3000-The given object ID "" in the field "ListID" is invalid
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 17 April 2014 02:27 PM
Troubleshooting: Error:3000-The given object ID "in the field "ListID" is invalidProblem Description:When making an inventory adjustment in a company file whose multiple inventory sites feature is not enabled, there are no values in the field "InventorySiteRefListID." So trying to insert an inventory adjustment using a query like this: INSERT INTO InventoryAdjustmentLine(AccountRefListID, InventorySiteRefListID, InventoryAdjustmentLineItemRefListID, InventoryAdjustmentLineQuantityAdjustmentQuantityDifference) VALUES ('80000003-1350417287', '', '80000296-1350423383', 10) But QODBC reports an error [ The given object ID "in the field "ListID" is invalid ] : Solution:If you are not working with multiple inventory sites feature-enabled company file, then there is no need to add the field "InventorySiteRefListID." So you could directly remove this field and run the query like this: INSERT INTO InventoryAdjustmentLine (AccountRefListID, InventoryAdjustmentLineItemRefListID, InventoryAdjustmentLineQuantityAdjustmentQuantityDifference) VALUES ('80000003-1350417287', '80000296-1350423383', 10) This error usually occurs when you try to insert records with a null value. When there are many columns in the table InventoryAdjustmentLine, not all of them are necessary for inserting. You don't want to assign data to those columns; remove them from your insert query. Please do not manually add it to the question and assign a null value. QuickBooks will automatically set those columns' null value when the record is inserted. | |