Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-Desktop] How to apply discounts to existing invoices
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 14 April 2014 02:03 PM

How to apply discounts to existing Invoices

Problem Description:

We have hundreds of invoices to that we want to apply a 10% discount, as the customer is going into bankruptcy and is giving us the choice of accepting a commitment to accept 10% of the invoice amount.


There is a "discount" item Type in QuickBooks, which is used to apply a discount to transactions. You can find it via QuickBooks UI -> Item List. We first create a 10% discount item in QuickBooks. There is a special item type, "Discount," when creating the Item. You can set the Item to account for the separate loss account.


When a discount item is created, please find it in the QODBC "Item" table and note its ListID.
select * from Item


 QODBC Support Wizard is used only to test QODBC SQL queries and is not a development tool.


Find the invoice you want to apply the discount in the QODBC "Invoice" table and note down its TxnID.

Here is an example of adding one discount item (8000009B-1481805576) to an existing invoice "8C79-1481790565" in our test company file:
INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (TxnID, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc) VALUES ('8C79-1481790565', '8000009B-1481805576, 'discount')

And this is the Discount Item in QuickBooks:

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