Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-ALL] How to get information of Tables and Columns
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 04 November 2011 03:17 AM
How to get information on Tables and Columns How to get information on Tables and ColumnsThere are more than 130 tables in QODBC, and several methods of viewing detailed information on QODBC tables are as below. Using Stored ProceduresSome stored procedures in QODBC will bring you great convenience. You could refer to QODBC Stored Procedures Command List to get more information. You could try to use a stored procedure called "sp_tables" and "sp_columns table_name" to get detailed information on the available tables and columns. See: How to get the table schema rules as a reference. Visit QODBC Website to Get the Data Layout of QODBCYou could also go to the documentation site for more information on tables and fields.
Tags: Table Field Types, Field Types, What does field type mean | |
Comments (2)
Don Lesser
03 December 2013 09:02 PM
Is the documentation for QuickBooks on the QODBC side the most up to date listing of fields? I need the most recent QuickBooks 2011 listing.
08 July 2014 10:20 AM
Hi Don,
Sorry, we don't have any documentation for listing of fields. but you can get all table's fields by running below command in VB Demo:
sp_columns TableName
For Example: sp_columns JournalEntryLine
The command will return the schema rules of selected table (In this example it is JournalEntryLine), including information about whether a column is updatable or insertable and relationship with other tables.
Sorry, we don't have any documentation for listing of fields. but you can get all table's fields by running below command in VB Demo:
sp_columns TableName
For Example: sp_columns JournalEntryLine
The command will return the schema rules of selected table (In this example it is JournalEntryLine), including information about whether a column is updatable or insertable and relationship with other tables.