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[QODBC-Desktop] Upgrading QODBC and New CDKey
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 01 September 2011 07:11 AM

Upgrading QODBC and New CDKEY

QODBC and QuickBooks Compatibility

QODBC is not upward compatible, only backward, meaning you need version 24 of QODBC to work with QuickBooks 2024. Version 24 of the driver will work with all QuickBooks 2002 - 2024 Pro and Higher editions. The Read Only version of QODBC is included with QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 24.


Suppose you have a QODBC 2023 license. QODBC 2023 license will allow you to connect with QuickBooks 2023 and downwards, but not 2024.


Suppose you have a QODBC 2022 license. QODBC 2022 license will allow you to connect with QuickBooks 2022 and downwards, but not 2023.


Suppose you have a QODBC 2021 license. QODBC 2021 license will allow you to connect with QuickBooks 2021 and downwards but not 2022 and 2023.


QODBC licensing is not upward compatible, only backward, meaning you would need a registered version 24 QODBC CDKEY to work with QuickBooks 2002-2024.


Version 24 of the driver will work with all QuickBooks 2002- 2024 Pro and Higher editions.


Note: The QODBC 2024 license can only be activated on QODBC version 24 or above (i.e. or above)


QODBC will not require any major upgrade for the term that your version of QuickBooks remains on the 2002-2024 edition.


Once your QuickBooks version (year) exceeds the QODBC version (year) for which you are licensed, then you will need to upgrade the driver to the most current version, which is chargeable.


Our QODBC licensing is on a per-machine basis.


When a new version of QuickBooks is released, we add the new version features that QuickBooks makes available to us, such as new data tables, fields, and any new reports included in the new edition. We also need to ensure that all of the previous features and functionality that we made available in the past still work, along with any new functionality we add to QODBC, such as the QRemote feature. The Read-Only Desktop edition of the QODBC version is included with QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 2023. If you're using the free edition of QODBC that is included with QuickBooks Enterprise, make sure the installed version number of QODBC is equal to or higher than the year of QuickBooks (i.e., QODBC v.23.0. works with QBES 2023, 2022,2019, 2018...)


QODBC Read-Only edition for QuickBooks Enterprise does not include a QRemote License.  So, after 30 days, you may not be able to use QRemote.


You may also contact our sales team for a purchase or an upgrade using the phone number listed on our website.




You may purchase directly by navigating from the link below:


Please take a look at QODBC and the information on remote licensing.

QODBC Upgrade and New CDKEY

With each major new release of QuickBooks, we build a new driver, incorporating what Intuit opens up to us as developers and new features we add to the driver itself. So each time our user upgrades his QODBC to a major new version (10 to 11, for example or QuickBooks 2023 to QuickBooks 2024), the QODBC would require a new CDKey to activate. 

We recommend updating QODBC to the latest build. Please consult with your application developer before installing or upgrading the QODBC build.

Please also refer to How to activate QODBC for more information about activation.


Keywords: CD KEY

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Comments (3)
Michael Mills
13 May 2013 12:16 PM
What would be helpful is an explanation of the process once you have purchased the upgrade key.
Michael Mills
08 April 2015 06:51 PM
The process (I have been through it twice now), is extremely painless. The only "gotcha" is that there is no evaluation for the new version. You have to have purchased your license key up front, or request an evaluation CD Key from QODBC if you are unsure if it will work.

All the settings came across to the upgraded software.
09 April 2015 08:37 AM
Hi Michael,

You will get 30 day evaluation first time on a fresh installation of QODBC (i.e. QODBC is installed first time on the machine). If you already have QODBC installed & you are upgrading version for example upgrading version from 14 to 15, then you will not get evaluation. In this case you need to upgrade license.
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