[QODBC-Desktop] How to install QODBC in Windows XP/Vista
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM
Install QODBC in Windows XPWhen you first install QODBC, it automatically activates a FREE "once off" 30 Day QODBC Server Edition Evaluation. After 30 Days you will need to purchase a CDKEY to activate and continue using the product. So there's nothing to stop you from putting QODBC to work and doing what you must do today! If you haven't already downloaded QODBC, do it now by clicking on the download button here: Running the QODBC InstallerSince you are about to install an ODBC driver, you will need Windows administrative privileges to install QODBC. Using Windows Explorer, locate the "QODBC.exe" download file in the temporary directory or your "My Documents" folder where you downloaded QODBC and double-click on the file to install the driver. Click Next to continue. The product's readme file shows the revision and driver build you are about to install. Click Next to continue. Follow the instructions on the screen and select the version of QuickBooks you are using from the supported list. [ Note: All QuickBooks users in the Asia Pacific should select "QuickBooks Australia." ] Click Next to continue. The QODBC Limited Use Software License is displayed. If you agree with the Limited Use Software License, click Next to install QODBC. Otherwise, click Cancel. If you have already purchased a QODBC license, you will have your CDKEY. Enter the CDKEY now. Otherwise, leave blank to operate QODBC in its 30-Day Evaluation Mode. Click Next to continue. Select the Destination Directory where to install QODBC. We recommend you accept the default directory. Click Next to continue. Click Next to install QODBC or Cancel to abort the installation. The QODBC product files are now installed. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Go to: How to Connect to QuickBooks for the First Time for the next step.
Install QODBC in Windows VistaQuickBooks qbXML SDK/Windows Vista Compatibility and QODBCUser Account Control The Vista user account must have its User Account Control (UAC) set to On (as recommended by Microsoft, see diagram below). See Vista/Windows 7 and 64-bit and QODBC for more about UAC setup. QuickBooks and the QODBC application accessing the SDK should be run with standard user permissions (NOT elevated to run as administrator). To perform the following instructions, you must be logged into Vista using a Standard login account. When you first install QODBC, it automatically activates a FREE "once off" 30 Day QODBC Server Edition Evaluation. So there's nothing to stop you from putting QODBC to work and doing what you must do today! After 30 Days, you will need to purchase a CDKEY to activate and continue using the product. If you haven't already downloaded QODBC, do it now by clicking on the download button here:- Locate the QODBC InstallerAfter downloading QODBC, use Windows Explorer to locate the QODBC.exe download in your > Support > Downloads folder and right-click on the file to install the driver in administrative mode. Running the QODBC InstallerNote: The process of installation in Vista is almost the same as it is in Windows XP Click on the Run button to continue. Select a Vista administrator account, enter the admin password, and click OK to continue. Click Next to continue. The product's readme file shows the revision and driver build you are about to install. Click Next to continue. Follow the instructions on the screen and select the version of QuickBooks you are using from the supported list. [Note: All QuickBooks users in the USA should choose simply "QuickBooks USA."] Click Next to continue. The QODBC Limited Use Software License is displayed. If you agree with the Limited Use Software License, click Next to install QODBC; otherwise, click Cancel. If you have already purchased a QODBC license, you will have your CDKEY. Enter the CDKEY now. Otherwise, leave blank to operate QODBC in its 30-Day Evaluation Mode. Click Next to continue. Select the Destination Directory where to install QODBC. We recommend you accept the default directory on Drive C. Click Next to continue. Click Next to install QODBC or Cancel to abort the installation. The QODBC product files are now installed. Click Finish to complete the installation. If you receive the following: Just select This program installed correctly to finalize the installation.
Connect QODBC to QuickBooks in Windows VistaStart QuickBooks before using QODBC.Once the FLEXquarters QODBC Driver for QuickBooks has been successfully installed on your computer, you can begin to use it immediately using the FREE "once off" 30-Day QODBC Server Edition Evaluation mode. To start using QODBC, you first need to run QuickBooks on your computer, log in to the QuickBooks Administrator (Admin), and open your company file or one of the sample company files that came with QuickBooks, as shown here. This is for security reasons. Running VB DemoLeaving your QuickBooks company to file open, click on Start -> All Programs -> locate the QODBC Driver for QuickBooks program group on your desktop. Click on the VB Demo shortcut to launch the Visual Basic Demo program supplied with QODBC. Note: For enterprise users - do not get a start menu option, but it is installed at C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions x\Components\QODBC\VBDemo32.exe To establish a connection: From the menu bar, select Connections -> Add a new connection. This will connect you to the current company file opened in QuickBooks. Select the Machine Data Source tab and QuickBooks Data System DSN, and Click OK. QuickBooks Integrated Applications with No CertificateWhen QODBC starts and connects to a company file for the first time, QuickBooks will ask you permission for this driver to access your QuickBooks data. Check the Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running the option, and the QODBC driver will be added to the Integrated Application list in your company file. Click on Continue... to continue. Confirm that you want to allow this access by clicking on Yes. This will enable applications to integrate with QuickBooks data when QuickBooks is running on the desktop. QuickBooks will then confirm access. Click on Done to continue. Testing Your ConnectionNow that you have successfully established a connection to your QuickBooks data, it's time to type in your desired SQL query. For example, you can use the default "SELECT * FROM Customer" or type in another table like stock by entering "SELECT * FROM ItemInventory." Click on the Query button, and the requested query results will appear! In case you're wondering, the * in the select statement means all columns in that Table. Alternatively, click the Tables button to see a list of all the available QuickBooks tables. Double-click on a table name to generate a query statement. Select Connections -> Remove the connection or Click the Disconnect but to disconnection. See: How to use the VB Demo for testing for more. | |
on Windows XP
QReportBuilder connected but when I 'Refresh Data' I get this error:
Could not create ResultSet from DataSource definition.
Could not connect to Database. Error reported was:
Database API specific error
Your database has returned the following error code and description to Alpha Five.
Consult your database documentation for further information.
10010 - '[QODBC] Evaluation license has expired!
Please contact your dealer for the latest version
SQL State is: S0000
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
SQL State is: IM006'
I have uninstalled, re-installed, done fresh installs of QReportBuilder and tried deleting QODBC and doing a repair.
QReportBuilder says I have 25 days left on Evaluation
I have searched online and found a few references (such as this page) but no answers for my problem.
Any ideas???