How QODBC and QuickBooks SDK work
Intuit QuickBooks SDK inside the QuickBooks application uses XML format to read and write QuickBooks data.
QODBC uses the QuickBooks SDK to talk to QuickBooks data. QODBC acts as a 'wrapper' around the Intuit SDK so customers can access their QuickBooks data using standard database tools, speeding development time.
QODBC converts this XML communication into the easier-to-use SQL/ODBC format.
You cannot use the QuickBooks SDK without running QuickBooks as they are the same programs.
You can run QuickBooks on the desktop, or you can run it in "hidden" mode. Either way, it is running. The only difference is whether you see it on the desktop or not.
How to set up QODBC for auto-login into QuickBooks.
1. Locate the "QODBC Driver for QuickBooks" program group on your desktop. Click on the "Configure QODBC Data Source" icon to launch the configure data source program supplied with QODBC.
2. Click the "Add" button to create a new QODBC data source.

Select QODBC Driver for QuickBooks "Add" and click on the "Finish" button.
3. The following general setup screen will become available. Check the Locate a company file: option. This allows you to set up the full path to where your QuickBooks data file resides. For example: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Sample Company Files\QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 22.0\sample_service-based business.qbw”. The [Browse] button will let you choose your QuickBooks company file from its folder. To use the QODBC auto-login unattended mode, specify the full path of the QuickBooks company file you wish to connect to.
4. Choose the Advanced tab in QODBC Setup. Use these settings to allow "auto-login" with or without a visible QuickBooks User Interface.
And then click on the "OK" button to create a new data source named "test."
5. Click on the "QuickBooks Enterprise Solution 22.0" icon on the desktop to launch it and Open your QuickBooks data file. Be sure to login in as the Administrator user.
6. Locate the "QODBC Driver for QuickBooks" program group on your desktop. Click on the "QODBC Test Tool" icon to launch the QODBC Test Tool program supplied with QODBC.
7. The following "QODBC Test Tool" screen will become available. To establish a connection, select the "QuickBooks Data" DSN from the dropdown list and click on "Connect."
8. Then QuickBooks will ask you permission for this driver to access your QuickBooks data. Check the "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" option and click on the "Continue…" button to confirm.
Confirm that you want to allow this access by clicking on "Yes" and then "Done." This will enable applications to integrate with QuickBooks data when QuickBooks is running on the desktop.

Note: The application certificate needs to be accepted for each Company File. The application certificate needs to be accepted for each application. The application certificate needs to be accepted for each Windows Machine. The application certificate needs to be accepted by each Windows User.
This is because Intuit's LGB file, which was common earlier, is now changed to a new method, and integration information will be stored for each Windows user separately.
For example, You have 4 Windows Machines, and each has three windows users. All those three windows users use QODBC via Microsoft Excel, Access, Crystal, or other applications.
Switch to 1st Windows Machine Login to User-A to windows OS. Login to your Company Files as Admin. Test the connectivity with QODBC using each application, One by one. Perform connection to your QODBC DSN from each application & Authorize/Accept application certificate for EACH application. Log off as User-A
Login as User-B to windows OS. Login to your Company Files as Admin. Test the connectivity with QODBC using each application, One by one. Perform connection to your QODBC DSN from each application & Authorize/Accept application certificate for EACH application. Log off as User-B
Login as User-C to windows OS. Login to your Company Files as Admin. Test the connectivity with QODBC using each application, One by one. Perform connection to your QODBC DSN from each application & Authorize/Accept application certificate for EACH application. Log off as User-C
Switch to 2nd Windows Machine Perform the same steps for each of the Windows users.
Switch to 3rd Windows Machine Perform the same steps for each of the Windows users.
Switch to 4th Windows Machine Perform the same steps for each of the Windows users.
9. From the QuickBooks Edit menu, select Preferences and Integrated Applications. There are often instances in which you want an integrated application designed to share data with QuickBooks to access QuickBooks files automatically, without user intervention. This might permit, for example, a particular application to run during the night when there is no other activity in the company file. Also, QuickBooks doesn't need to be running in the foreground for ODBC-compliant applications to access the data files using QODBC while setting in this mode.
10. Click the Company Preferences tab and ensure that the "Don't allow any applications to access this company file" checkbox isn't checked. The "Notify the user before running applications whose certificate has expired" checkbox can be prevented. If it is, however, automatic access will be suspended if the application's certificate expires.
11. Select the "FLEXquarters QODBC" driver you want to run automatically and click the "Properties…" button.
Check "Allow this application to access this company file." Uncheck "Prompt before Allowing Access." Check "Allow this application to log in automatically." Select your "Login as" user. (Normally "Admin") Click on the "OK" button.
12. Testing Your Connection: Now that you have successfully established a connection to your QuickBooks data, it's time to type in your desired SQL query. For example, you can use the default "SELECT * FROM Customer" or type in another table like stock by entering "SELECT * FROM ItemInventory." Click on the "Query" button, and the requested query results will appear! If you're wondering, the * in the select statement means all columns in that table.

Possible problem & solution:
Problem Description:
When our application queries the QB database, the connection time is at least 7 seconds (usually 12 seconds or more). The log file shows about 7 seconds between starting to connect and a successful connection. Once connected, the SQL seems to be processed very quickly.
As you are using Auto Login, QuickBooks may take time to run in the background.
I want to inform you that If the company files in on the network location, there might be a possibility of a delay in opening the QuickBooks company file through a network.
I kindly request you to please put the company file on the same machine & test it again.
If the company file is on the same machine, I kindly request you to keep QuickBooks please running no need to log in to the company file; keep the QuickBooks window open. So you can eliminate the time required to start QBW32.exe (QuickBooks) in the background.
Also Refer: How to set up QODBC Driver to auto-connect to QuickBooks. (Video)
How to use the VB Demo for testing
How to use QODBC Support Wizard
VB Demo is missing
Tags: QuickBooks start, QuickBooks autostart, QuickBooks startup, QuickBooks connect, Hidden QuickBooks, Quiet QuickBooks, Silent QuickBooks, Background QuickBooks, How to setup QODBC for Auto-login into QuickBooks, the process for automatically start of QuickBooks, QuickBooks automatic, automatic quick books, autostart QuickBooks, automatically start of QuickBooks, running QuickBooks automatically, how to run without QuickBooks