[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Invoice Line Rate is not loading into QuickBooks Online
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 09 February 2016 12:50 PM

Troubleshooting - Invoice Line Rate is not loading into QuickBooks Online.

Problem Description:

The InvoiceLineRate value passed in the insert query to create the InvoiceLine record is not being loaded into QBO.

Below are the two queries I am using to create the invoice.

Insert into "InvoiceLine" ("CustomerRefListID," "CustomerRefFullName," "InvoiceLineItemRefListID," "InvoiceLineDesc," "InvoiceLineQuantity," "InvoiceLineRate," "InvoiceLineAmount," "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('11', 'Alder Electric,' '19', 'Todd Gardner', 37.5, 42.50, 1593.75, 1)

Insert into "Invoice" ("CustomerRefListID," "CustomerRefFullName," "TxnDate," "RefNumber," "BillAddressAddr1", "BillAddressAddr2", "BillAddressAddr3", "BillAddressAddr4", "BillAddressCity," "BillAddressState," "BillAddressPostalCode," "TermsRefListID," "TermsRefFullName," "DueDate")VALUES ('11', 'Alder Electric,' {d'2015-12-06'}, '1388', 'Alder Electric,' 'Dannon Alder,' '605 N 1250 W', '', 'Centerville,' 'UT,' '84014', '5', 'Due upon Receipt,' {d'2015-12-21'})


QODBC Online has the logic that if the user has provided Quantity, Rate & Amount, QODBC will send Quantity & Amount to QuickBooks.

So you need to send Quantity & Rate and remove Amount. The Amount will be auto-calculated.

For Example:

Insert into "InvoiceLine" ("CustomerRefListID," "CustomerRefFullName," "InvoiceLineItemRefListID," "InvoiceLineDesc," "InvoiceLineQuantity," "InvoiceLineRate," "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('11', 'Alder Electric,' '19', 'Todd Gardner', 37.5, 42.50, 1)

Insert into "Invoice" ("CustomerRefListID," "CustomerRefFullName," "TxnDate," "RefNumber," "BillAddressAddr1", "BillAddressAddr2", "BillAddressAddr3", "BillAddressAddr4", "BillAddressCity," "BillAddressState," "BillAddressPostalCode," "TermsRefListID," "TermsRefFullName," "DueDate")VALUES ('11', 'Alder Electric,' {d'2015-12-06'}, '1388', 'Alder Electric,' 'Dannon Alder,' '605 N 1250 W', '', 'Centerville,' 'UT,' '84014', '5', 'Due upon Receipt,' {d'2015-12-21'})



Tags: QuickBooks Online, QBO, QODBC Online, invoice line rate, Quantity, Rate, invoice line amount, invoice line


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